Let the cloudStack team translate the lingo and support your team moving to the #1 CRM in the world.
Many of our potential nonprofit clients are brand new to CRM’s – they have spent the last couple of years struggling to make a square peg fit in a round hole by managing their donor data, volunteers, finances and programs in Excel or another antiquated piece of legacy software.
So, the language of Salesforce often doesn’t come as second nature.
The layering of applications, the hundreds of potential integrations, the vastness that is joining Salesforce often makes the eyes of busy nonprofit teams glaze over completely.
Do you need a degree to understand what you need when you choose Salesforce?
This is where the cloudStack team comes in. Its our JOB to listen, collaborate and reflect to the client the best solution for their unique nonprofit needs.
Its not easy, its often not as straight forward as we would like, but we take the Salesforce Nonprofit Success Pack and ensure your team will get the most out of a powerful nonprofit platform.
Don’t spend time struggling to understand Salesforce. Let the cloudStack team translate the lingo and support your team moving to the #1 CRM in the world.
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