Data migration is the elephant in the room for nonprofit crm's

 Ugh, data migrations...

In our experience talking with potential new clients data migration is the elephant in the room.

Neither the client or the Salesforce implementer is excited to bring it up. We know its going to be the item that sucks up 50% or more of your budget and will be a complicated piece of work.

We would love to chuck the data migration fees out the window (or just throw out that old legacy data in general) but as a team who serves #nonprofits we also know that your donor/donation data is INCREDIBLY valuable to make informed #fundraising strategy decisions.

In fact we have made it our business to know how to effectively move data over from CanadaHelps, Blackbaud products, Classy and more in the most economic way possible.

So if what is holding you back from a potential move to Salesforce is #data migration costs we should chat.

#salesforce #salesforcepartner #nonprofittechnology #nonprofittech #crm #crmsolutions

